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📝 An opinionated, no-frills static blogging template—built with Astro, Tailwind, and shadcn/ui.



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astro-erudite is an opinionated, no-frills static blogging template built with Astro, Tailwind, and shadcn/ui. Extraordinarily loosely based off the Astro Micro theme.

Visit jktrn/astro-erudite on GitHub to get started.


- Astro's Islands architecture for partial/selective hydration and client-side interactivity while maintaining a fast-to-render static site.

- shadcn/ui's Tailwind color convention for automatic styling across both light and dark themes. Includes accessible, theme-aware UI components for navigation, buttons, etc.

- rehype-pretty-code with Shiki for advanced code block styling, highlighting, and code block titles/captions.

- Blog post authoring using MDX for component-style content, alongside LaTeX rendering using KaTeX.

- Astro View Transitions in SPA mode for smooth, opt-in animations during route switching.

- SEO optimization with fine-grained control over metadata and Open Graph tags for each post.

- RSS feeds and sitemap generation!

- Supports author profiles (with a dedicated authors page) and adding multiple authors per post.

- Supports project tags (with a dedicated tags page) for easy post categorization and discovery.